Living a long life?

What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life?

Another good question to reflect on. I can honestly say I am aiming for a long healthy life, but I know ultimately my life is in God’s hands.

I do my best to eat a healthy vegetarian diet. Studies looking at the Blue Zones show people who eat mostly plant based live on average 10 years longer and are much healthier. Some live to be 100 and still work in their gardens or fields!

I do other things mentioned in the Blue Zone studies like exercise regularly, have a sense of purpose in helping others, I have a strong faith and I have people around me who love and care for me and I them. So from that perspective I am travelling well.

In saying this though, I know my life is 100% completely and totally in God’s hands. He holds my life, my destiny and my breath. When He takes my breath, I will go to be with Him… for eternity.

Knowing this, my life is about God and His Kingdom. I am here because He wants and needs me here. I still have things to do for Him if I still have breath and my heart is beating.

Does this mean I do not think about my life and the things I want to do? Of course not. I want to be here to enjoy this world, love my family, achieve some of my personal goals and look after my body. But this is overshadowed by the eternal realities of life. I am just here for a season and one day it will end.

The key for me is to live my life in light of eternity. I need to set my heart and mind on things above and not on earthy things (Colossians 3:1-2). I need to remember that ultimately I am a citizen of heaven and I need to eagerly await the return of my Lord Jesus (Philippians 3:20). This is the eternal hope we have in Christ.

So yes I want to live a long and healthy life. Maybe even make it to 90 or 100. But this all depends on God and He can call me home at any time. My life is in His hands and I would not want it any other way. He is my life now, and will be my life for all eternity.

The Game Chargers

As a vegetarian since I was 18 I found this special really good. Especially with the recovery aspects for sport and training.