Beach or mountains

Beach or mountains? Which do you prefer? Why?

While I like being at both the beach and the mountains, I would have to say the mountains win out slightly.

For me there is something about walking up a hill to be alone with God in prayer. I can focus on Him on the journey to the top and when I arrive I can see from a higher perspective.

But in saying this, sometimes I like to sit at the ocean and just watch the waves go in and out. I find myself being in awe of the God who made the oceans and how vast it is when you look out to sea.

The deciding factor for me is that fact that we live nearly 300 kilometres from the ocean. It is easier for me to go and walk up our rock. I can walk up the pathway above and be alone with Him.

So beach or mountains. It is the mountains for me, but only just.

Tears of joy

Billy Graham Crusades have been held in 85 countries on six continents. Mr. Graham’s largest Crusade in the world was in Seoul, South Korea, with an estimated 1.1 million people in attendance on June 3, 1973. (From

What brings a tear of joy to your eye?

What brings a tear of joy to my eyes? Seeing people accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

I have watched countless crusade events online where people have come forward to accept Jesus. I have also been to a few. Every time I end up crying my eyes out with joy. It is the evangelist in me.

Knowing people have changed their eternal destination from hell to heaven impacts me greatly. It is a large part of why you and I are here on earth – to bring people to Jesus.

As I type I am reminded of Luke 15:10, “In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.”

This verse reminds me that I am not the only one crying tears of joy. All of heaven celebrates with joy when people come to Jesus too!

Live faithfully to shine

I read this today in Our Daily Bread…

“A believer in Christ has only to live faithfully in order to change the world, historian Christopher Dawson said, because in that very act of living “there is contained all the mystery of divine life.” Let’s ask God’s Spirit to empower us to live faithfully as Jesus’ people, shining His light in the world’s darkest places.”

I found this refreshing. It encourages us to live faithfully to God and walk in the world around us. When we live in close communion with Jesus, our lights naturally shine for others to see.


What’s the first impression you want to give people?

If I could make one first impression on people, my hope they would see me as a compassionate person. I want to be seen as someone who loves, cares and helps where they can.

When I read through the life of Jesus in the Gospels, I see many occasions where Jesus had compassion on the people. Every time I read of these things it bring tears to my eyes and a deep longing to my heart.

Here are just a few examples…

Mark 6:34 NLT Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.

Matthew 14:14 NLT Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

Mark 1:41 NLT Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!”

Luke 7:13-14 NLT When the Lord saw her, his heart overflowed with compassion. “Don’t cry!” he said. [14] Then he walked over to the coffin and touched it, and the bearers stopped. “Young man,” he said, “I tell you, get up.”

Just in these examples we see Jesus had compassion on the people. He shepherded them, taught them, healed their sick and even raised the widows only son to life.

In Luke 6:36 NLT Jesus says, “You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate”. This is something Jesus wants us to display to the world around us.

So what first impression do I want to make on people – I want to be seen as a compassionate person.

Radical forgiveness book

What book are you reading right now?

Today’s question is what book are you reading now? One I have just read and will read through again is Bruce Downes book Radical Forgiveness. Bruce is known as The Catholic Guy.

I read this book on Thursday in a couple of sittings and I think I will read it again before I have to return it. My sister sent it to me in the mail this week. It is one that she enjoyed and found very helpful.

One key for me that came through over and over is the saying “time heals all wounds”. Downes says this is not true.

We know in the natural, our physical wounds may heal in time, but wounds to our heart or soul need to be worked through. And part of the working through includes forgiving and letting go.

Downes says this forgiveness and letting go is often very hard, but it is essential for our relationships and our own future. Not only might it improve a fractured relationship, but it can actually allow us to live freer going forwards. It is like a weight lifted off us.

I have often heard that if we carry grudges against people for hurting us, it is like giving them free rent space in our heads. It is also like our computers RAM being taken up by programs running in the background. You just do not have the processing space to think clearly.

Downes’ book was a nice easy read. It was in simple language, had good examples and it used lots of Bibles passages that fit in nicely to illustrate his points. At 70 odd pages it is well worth a read.

If you are interested you can find it here on his website. Just to let you know I do not receive anything for this recommendation.